iPad don timthriail sinsearach/ iPads in senior cycle
Práinneach: Muna bhfuil ceadúnas íoctha le Wriggle go fóill (tá mionlach beag fós nár íoc) agus má theastaíonn uait go mbeidh iPad in úsáid ag do mhac ar scoil is gá é a íoc roimh dheireadh na seachtaine. Ní féidir le daltaí iPad a úsáid ar scoil muna bhfuil siad faoi chúram Wriggle mar ní féidir le múinteoirí súil a choinneáil ar cad atá ar siúl ag daltaí gan an córas seo. Beidh Wriggle ag baint aon duine nach bhfuil íoctha ag deireadh na seachtaine. Má bhaintear den chóras iad tógann sé tamaill iad a chur ar ais ar an gcóras mar is gá an iPad a sheoladh chuig Wriggle.
Urgent: If you have not purchased the licence for Wriggle management by now (there are just a few who have not) and your son wishes to continue using the iPad in school please go to the Wriggle website before the end of the week to purchase one. Students who are not managed by Wriggle can not use the iPad in school as teachers can not properly monitor their use in class. Signing up to the new licence is more time consuming if the iPad is removed from the system as it has to be returned to Wriggle in the post.
21/10/24 NB
Fuair na daltaí fógra faoi seo cheanna i mbliana, ach ar eagla nár thug siad an fógra abhaile:
Má theastaíonn uait an ipad a úsáid i mbliain 4,5 agus 6 is gá an t-eolas thíos a léamh agus feidhmiú roimh mheánoíche ar Déardaoin 24ú Deireadh Fómhair. Tá síneadh ama faighte go dtí sin ach beidh ipad do mhac bainte den chóras muna bhfuil céadunas faighte faoin ama sin. Tá an cód scoile le fáil ar an leabharliosta nó thíos. Eolas ar fad thíos. Má tá sé ceannaithe agat cheana ná bac leis an bhfógra seo.
Treoracha tapaidh:
Students were given this message already, but in case they forgot to mention it at home:
If you wish to continue using an ipad in school for 4th ,5th and 6th year please read the information below and act upon it before midnight on Thursday 24th October. The school code is on the booklist and below. An extension has been given til then, but any iPads without a licence by that deadline will have to be removed from the system. Further Information below. If you have already purchased the licence please ignore.
Quick instructions:
Tuilleadh Eolais/Further information
Tabhair faoi deara go dtiocfaidh deireadh leis an ceadúnas ar an iPad ag deireadh bliain 3. Má theastaíonn ó do mhac leanacht le h-úsáid iPad i mbliain 4,5 agus 6 is gá dul chuig an siopa Wriggle chun ceadúnas nua a cheannach. Tá gach eolas thíos ag Wriggle faoi ceadúnas a lorg agus faoi cad ba chóir a dhéanamh muna bhfuil tú ag leanacht le bainistíocht Wriggle. Cuirfidh Wriggle ríomhphost abhaile faoi seo. Muna bhfaigheann tú ceann inis don scoil. Níl cead ag dalta ipad a úsáid ar scoil gan bainistíocht Wriggle faraor mar nach féidir leis an scoil monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar úsáid ceart an iPad ar scoil.
Eolas tábhachtach má tá tú ag fágáil córas Wriggle
Please note that the licence purchased from Wriggle for the junior cycle expires at the end of third year. If your son wishes to continue using an iPad in school in senior cycle, a new licence will be required. Information is included below from Wriggle about renewing the licence and what to do if you want to leave the Wriggle management. You will also receive an email with those details from Wriggle. If not contact the school. iPads that are not managed by Wriggle can not be used in school as the staff will not be able to monitor and ensure appropriate use of the iPad in class.
Important information if you are leaving Wriggle management
Fógra ó Wriggle/Email from Wriggle - Bealtaine 2024/May 2024
We are contacting you today as your child will soon be finishing third year and entering Senior Cycle with us in August/September 2023. We have chosen to include Wriggle’s managed service and support as part of your technology bundle.
Management of Devices in Senior Cycle
Minister Norma Foley announced the plans for the Senior Cycle Reform in March 2022. There will be a shift in focus toward student well-being and preparing students for the world of work. Responsible and safe use of technology will be key, Wriggle can support schools here through the management of devices.
There are 3 core pillars of the Senior Cycle Reform:
- empower students to meet the challenges of the 21st century (new focus on technology and digital skills and preparing them for the working world and the skills they’ll need in the workplace)
- enrich the student experience and build on what’s strong in our current system
- embed wellbeing and reduce student stress levels
What is Wriggle's Service, Support and Training? Why do I need it?
To avoid the risks associated with unmanaged devices and to ensure you are fully supported to get the full benefits from your school device, we have chosen to include Wriggle's Managed Service and Support as part of your technology bundle.
What is included?
Secure Device Management
- School Specific device restrictions are applied to the device
- Your device is fully secured for educational use only
- Your device is safely managed by our team
- All school apps are preloaded to your device
- New school apps and updates are pushed to your device as required
- Provisioning of all eBook accounts
.. and lots more
- Full phone and email support
- Technical support and advice from our team
- School and 3rd party app support to ensure optimal performance
- Device reconfiguration to school specifications
- Device management and app support
- Device repairs and support
- Device unlocking should it become disabled
- Device Management licence and platform maintenance
3 Year Support & Management (for students entering 4th Year)
· Jamf Mobile Device Management Licence - € 21.00
· Senior Cycle - Digital Technology Training Support - € 78.00
Total Cost - €99.00
2 Year Support & Management (for students entering 5th Year)
· Jamf Mobile Device Management Licence - € 14.00
· Senior Cycle - Digital Technology Training Support € 52.00
Total Cost - €66.00
To purchase your childs Senior Cycle bundle, please follow the below steps:
Please ensure that you have placed your order by July 29th, 2024. If you have any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to reach out.