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Siopa Wriggle ar oscailt do Bhliain 1 2023_24
Wriggle Store now open.
An cód ná : 66531155
Seoladh an siopa (link to store)
Dáta go bhfuil an siopa ar oscailt (store opening and closing dates to order iPad): 18ú mí Aibreán - 7ú Meitheamh 2022 (18th April - 7th June 2022)
(Nóta: gearrfar táille €50 ar aon ordú atá déanach - there is a €50 surcharge for late orders)
Ag Ceannach Leabhair/ Buying books for the iPad 2023_24
(Nóta: Ní gá cuntas a chruthú leis na foilsitheoirí ar line, tá siad déanta cheanna duit. Úsáid na sonraí ó Wriggle mar a mínítear sa pdf thíos ó wriggle)
Is féidir i mbliana le tuistí na leabhar a fháil iad féin ó siopaí leabhair nó suíomh idirlíon na siopaí. Nuair a cheannaítear leabhar fisiceach bíonn cód taobh istigh de agus más leabhar ar líne a cheannaítear seolfar cód chuig an tuiste ón siopa. Chomh maith le sin nuair a ceannaítear an iPad nó BYOD ó Wriggle, seolann siad ainmúsáideora agus pas le húsáid chun logáil isteach ar aip ar an ipad do na comhlachtaí éagsúla. Úsáid iad seo in éineacht leis an treor sa pdf thíos chun teacht ar an leabhar ar an iPad.
Más mian leat is féidir na leabhair a cheannach ag, ag úsáid an cód scoile thíos don bhliain chuí. Ní gá iad a cheannach ansin, ach tá na liostaí leabhair acu chun é a éascú duit.
Cód bhliain 1: rkq91y
Cód bhliain 2: rkq92y
Cód bhliain 3: rkq93y
Cód bhliain 4: rkq94y
Cód bhliain 5: rkq95y
Cód bhliain 6: rkq96y
Nóta - ní gá do aon dalta a bheith buartha faoi na leabhar ar fad a bheith réidh ar an iPad agus iad ag filleadh ar scoil, beidh treor á fháil acu sna laethannta tosaigh. Is ionann an ainm úsáideora a thug wriggle agus an seoladh rphost scoile a bheidh acu ar scoil, ach ní bheidh siad in ann iad a úsáid go dtí go bhfilleann siad ach amháin chun logáil isteach ar na aipeanna do na leabhair. Taispeánfar dóibh ansin conas an rphost a úsáid ar scoil.
(Note: There is no need to create accounts with the publisher websites, they have been created already for you when you bought the ipad, all you need is the login details sent to you by wriggle - see pdf below)
This year parents may buy the books/ebooks directly from shops or webites. If you buy a physical copy of a book it should contain a code inside the cover, if you buy a digital version, you will receive a code from the publisher. If these are not available, you should contact the publisher.
You will also receive a username and a password from Wriggle with your ipad purchase to use when logging in to ebook apps on the ipad or logging into a publisher website. You should also receive a pdf with instructions on how to download your ebooks from the publisher from Wriggle. For your convenience we have included it here and on the first year information page of this site under Eolas - Bliain 1. have the school book lists for convenience, you can access the relevant stores using the quickcodes below. There is no need or obligation however to purchase from this site.
1st year quickcode: rkq91y
2nd year quickcode: rkq92y
3rd year quickcode: rkq93y
4th year quickcode: rkq94y
5th year quickcode: rkq95y
6th year quickcode: rkq96y
Please note, there is no need for any student to be worried about not having their ebooks ready on their ipad when starting school, they will be given any necessary directions during their first days in Coláiste Eoin. Also, the username given by wriggle is the same as the school email address they will have in school, but it is not yet their email and is separate from their ebook accounts. They will be shown how to activate and use their email address and microsoft office when they start school.
Ioslódáil leabhair - How to Redeem Ebooks 2022.pdf
Eolas eile roimh iPad a cheannach
Tá an t-eolas ar fad atá de dhíth le fáil ins an doiciméid Parent Pack - tá an nasc thíos. Tá cóip thíos chomh maith le roinnt freagraí ar cheisteanna comónta. Má tá aon cheist nach bhfuil freagartha anseo nó sa Phacáiste do thuistí, is féidir dul i dteagmháil le Wriggle agus ansin an scoil.
Nóta Tábhachtach: Níl Wriggle ag soláthar ach an iPad agus bainistiú air - nó bainistiú amháin i gcás go bhfuil do iPad féin in úsáid. Is féidir na leabhair a fháil ar líne ó na foilsitheoirí nó ó na siopaí leabhair. Beidh cód taobh istigh den leabhair chun é a íoslódáil chuig an iPad. Ní féidir iPad a úsáid ar scoil muna bhfuil bainistiú ag Wriggle air ar son na scoile.
All the necessary information regarding iPads for first years is contained in the Parent Pack. There is a link below to the parent pack, along with some answers to some common questions. If there are any questions not answered in the Parent Pack or below, please contact Wriggle or if necessary the school.
Important Note: Wriggle are only supplying the iPad and it's management - or management only if you use your own iPad. The books may be purchased online via publishers or in book shops. The code inside the hard copies may be used to download the e-book to the iPad. Note that a student may not use an iPad in school that is not managed by Wriggle on behalf of the school.
Pacáiste Tuiste - Parent Pack 2023_24 sealadach
Roinnt Eolas breise - Dhá fhíseán ó Wriggle (Some more information - Two short videos from Wriggle)
Seo faoi ipad san oideachais (ipad in Education)
Cad é an cód don siopa Wriggle (Code for the wriggle Store)?
An cód ná : 66531155
Seoladh an siopa (link to store)
Dáta go bhfuil an siopa ar oscailt (store opening and closing dates to order iPad): luath mí Aibreán - luath mí an Mheitheamh (Early April 14th - Early June)
Cad faoi na hábhair roghnach? (What about optional subjects?)
Ní gá ach an iPad a ordú láithreach. Dáiltear na roghanna ábhair ar dhaltaí le linn mí an Mheithimh.
There is no need to order the school books until the summer of 2022. The optional subjects are distributed to students during the month of June 2022.